No More Pivotel

No More Pivotel

After 7 years, Pivotel decided to stop supporting I4H; They

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Nov ’23: Robert & Moreen head out to re-train at current sites

Nov ’23: Robert & Moreen head out to re-train at current sites

When I4H trains system administrators, they gain valuable computer skills which allow them to access higher paying employment.

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Sep/Nov ’23: Moreen installs 17 new sites!

Sep/Nov ’23: Moreen installs 17 new sites!

When Tabula fell gravely ill (COVID again!), Moreen stepped in to

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New I4H Sites installed at 17 Schools: Mar-June 2023

New I4H Sites installed at 17 Schools: Mar-June 2023

Tabula successfully installs & trains CHMF-grant-supported I4H

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I4H President brings Pivotel Optimizers to Uganda: Feb 2023

I4H President brings Pivotel Optimizers to Uganda: Feb 2023

Pivotel generously donates 20 Optimizers (e-mail and internet compression routers) annually.

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Buthale Farmer’s Co-Op

Buthale Farmer’s Co-Op

Buthale Babughirana co-op highly appreciates the president for Internet 4 Humanity

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I4H Receives $20K Grant from CPPS

I4H Receives $20K Grant from CPPS

A HUGE thank you to CPPS Heritage Mission Fund for their $20,000 Grant to I4H in November of 2022!

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New Sites, New Graduates: Oct 2022

New Sites, New Graduates: Oct 2022

Each new site represents approx 500 more students who can graduate from grade 9 or 10

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21 New Sites Added: Sept 2022

21 New Sites Added: Sept 2022

21 new sites installed since UG Education Ministry enforced new IT-competency

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New Urgency: High School Students unable to graduate without computers!

New Urgency: High School Students unable to graduate without computers!

In April, new UG Min of Ed Curriculum required S1/S2 students to pass computer-literacy competency before graduating to next grade. Hundreds of high schools without

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Robert Tabula Installs 5 new sites in Northern Uganda: April 2022

Robert Tabula Installs 5 new sites in Northern Uganda: April 2022

Uganda Ministry of Education just required High School students to pass Info Tech (Computer) Literacy proficiency in order to graduate. BUT WAIT! only 1 in 20 High Schools in Uganda has any computers. Even fewer in economically depressed

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Robert Tabula working on 5 sites in Western Uganda: March 2022

Robert Tabula working on 5 sites in Western Uganda: March 2022

Robert Tabula is installing 5 more sites in Western Uganda. These 6 2022 sites are using old-version Windows-based XGate, until new Pivotel Optimizers arrive. Such is the need for computer/internet access!

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Maureen installs her First Site: Feb 2022

Maureen installs her First Site: Feb 2022

Maureen Ntono successfully installs and trains her first I4H site; at a high school

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40 New Optimizers Donated by Pivotel: Dec 2021

40 New Optimizers Donated by Pivotel: Dec 2021

Pivotel Donates 40 new Optimizers (20 each for ’20 and ’21). As soon as Robert Porter is able to pick them up in WA State, he will start to navigate how to get them to Robert Tabula in Uganda!

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Robert Installs 4 New Sites: Nov 2021

Robert Installs 4 New Sites: Nov 2021

Robert Tabula installs another 4 sites in Western Uganda. Total of 8 sites, 13,000+ new beneficiaries, in 2021. These 8 sites utilize the last of current inventory from Pivotel Optimizers (e-mail/browser compression/optimization).

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Installing New Sites 2021

Installing New Sites 2021

October, 2021: I4H is actively screening prospective new organizations. Robert is currently installing 4 new community development sites in Western Uganda. In preparation for these installation, Moreen mastered all the hardware setup.

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Getting Back on Track: 2021

Getting Back on Track: 2021

September, 2021: Robert has fully recovered and is back to work for I4H. With vaccines increasing in availability, Uganda is beginning it’s journey back to normalcy. Although schools remain shut down and most I4H high school systems are not being used, the Farmer Co-op, Community Development and Medical sites are being used extensively.

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Continuing During Covid 2021

Continuing During Covid 2021

January, 2021: Dr. Ssembatya’s wife and daughter both contracted grave cases of COVID 19. In order to pay for their medical care, he was forced to sell his home, medical practice, and other property. We are sorry to report that, despite Dr. Ssembatya’s best efforts, his wife passed away from COVID 19. Their daughter Natasha recovered.

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2020 Uganda Starvation Relief

2020 Uganda Starvation Relief

In the midst of Covid 19, Robert Tabula informed I4H about  the horrors that were occurring in Uganda due to lack of income for nearly 2 months. With little to no food for weeks on end, thousands were beginning to starve . Robert asked for

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Pre-COVID Progress 2020

Pre-COVID Progress  2020

▪ 8 new sites installed so far in 2020: 5 High School, 3 Vocational Schools ▪ 42 sites operating on ongoing basis: 18 High Schools, 9 VoTech, 2 Med Clinics,

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2019 Expansion

2019 Expansion

▪ Total of 16 new sites installed in 2019 ▪ 8 new High Schools, 6 new Vocational Schools, 2 new Farmer Co-ops

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Continued Expansion 2018

Continued Expansion 2018

▪ Evolution of candidate-evaluation results in much lower “installation attrition” ▪ 3 new sites installed; all in rural areas.

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New Additions 2017

New Additions 2017

▪ I4H added 4 sites: 3 pharmacies who supply medications at below-market rates to medical clinics

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Officially Became Internet for Humanity 2016

Officially Became Internet for Humanity 2016

▪ Recognizing the name REMCU was no longer appropriate, we formally changed our name to Internet For Humanity Society

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Computer Lab Installation 2015

Computer Lab Installation 2015

Internet for Humanity has installed more than 15 mini-computer labs at schools and farmer co-ops. These internet cafes offer both e-mail and web browsing.

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Meeting Robert Tabula 2011

Meeting Robert Tabula 2011

William Ashe, of LifeWater International, approached Internet for Humanity to install a demonstration e-mail system at schools and a farmers’ co-op in Uganda.

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New Partnerships 2009

New Partnerships 2009

▪ Cell-phone networks started gaining traction in Africa. Internet data via cell-phone modem was 10 times faster than HF-Radio, and the modems

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HF Radio Email System 2007

HF Radio Email System 2007

Internet for Humanity operated an HF-Radio-E-Mail system with base at ZFDS, and remote sites throughout Zambia and Mozambique. Several lives were directly saved during a major flood on the Zambezi River at the town of Sena, Mozambique.

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Finding Funding 2003

Finding Funding 2003

Rob & Nzola were sponsored by Rotary Club of Calgary South for installation of a demonstration HF-Radio-E-Mail system for remote medical clinics operated by Zambia Flying Doctor Service (ZFDS). The HF-Radio system worked well, but the connection to internet proved difficult.

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Founding 1998

Founding 1998

Internet for Humanity (formerly Radio-E-Mail Connections Unlimited – REMCU) began as a dream of Nzolantima Swasisa (Nzola), when he was working for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in his native land of Democratic Republic of Congo.  Nzola shared his dream with Robert Porter in Luanda, Angola in 1996, where they were both associated with MAF.  When Nzola came to Victoria in 1998 to study electronics, they renewed their friendship and the dream to extend e-mail communications to the farthest reaches of undeveloped Africa.

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