▪ 8 new sites installed so far in 2020: 5 High School, 3 Vocational Schools
▪ 42 sites operating on ongoing basis: 18 High Schools, 9 VoTech, 2 Med Clinics,
3 Pharmacies, 8 Farmer Coops, 2 Credit Unions
▪ Total of 97,000 direct beneficiaries: 41,000 Students, 14,000 Patients, 42,000 Farmers
▪ Tested and implemented 3rd-Generation BulkSMS technology; so far it is 10 x faster than 2nd-generation, AND reliable!
▪ Pivotel will donate 20 Compression Optimizers
▪ We need 100 computers to install the 20 new sites: $41,000 USD