Mount Rwenzori Slopes & Hima Savings & Credit Co-ops (SACCOs)

These SACCOs are located along a major highway, 30 & 45min drive from nearest city; in the shadow of the Rwenzori Mountains, a major mountain chain forming the border between Congo and Uganda. It is also a major coffee growing region.
The I4H systems were installed February, 2016 & September, 2018; serving 6,500 and 8,000 Farmer-Members respectively.
A SACCO is a rural Credit Union. These serve small coffee farmers. Since 2016, these SACCOs have become a major development force in the area. They now boast Computerized-Banking; quite a juxtaposition to see “in the middle of nowhere”!
Pictured: Left: I4H Robert Porter & Tabula Robert with SACCO president (and trusty I4H van) in front of SACCO office
Right: a typical Farmer-member accessing online-computer banking services “in the middle of nowhere”.