Katerera ACE Information/Communications Technology Centre Grand Opening

On a hot Sunday afternoon in early February, 2013, Management & Farmers of Katerera Area Co-operative Enterprises (Katerera Farmers Co-op), and local dignitaries of the Katerera, Uganda district, gathered to officially launch their Information/Communications Technology Centre (ICTC), donated by Internet for Humanity (I4H). This ICTC, consisting of 5 computers with networked internet access, was the first computer/internet installation in the district.

After the formal ceremony, and a demonstration of the system capabilities, the Management & local Dignitaries posed for a photo in front of the new ICTC. As one can see, the photo is taken in front of the Katerera Medical Centre. Katerera ACE rented space in the Medical Centre to provide a dust-free secure environment for the computer centre.

It was not long before the Medical Centre joined the Katerera ACE to allow local health practitioners to send/receive e-mails and access internet browsing locally for the first time!

The fellow at far left (jumping off the platform) is Katerera ACE manager Mr Dennis Assingwaire. Using the I4H ICTC, Mr Assingwaire has brought explosive development to Katerera ACE.

Please refer to the separate remarkable testimonial provided by Mr Assingwaire himself.